Monday, June 16, 2008

My Meal Rundown for a Day

Ok my hubby works out and eats right and all that yada yada yada. So he gives me ideas for a healthy meal plan without taking away everything I like to eat. He says six meals a day ...yeah ok.. "It speeds up your metabolism", he says. He also says "don't let yourself get hungry, then you over eat"! Plus you burn more fat this way...OK. I need to listen, Right? Here goes:

Wheat Toast or Oatmeal
Grapes or Orange slices
20 oz bottle of water

Side salad
20 oz bottle of water

Tuna or Chicken
Salad w/ croutons
Apple slices or Bananas
Crystal Light

20 oz bottle of water

Grilled Chicken, Tuna or Steak
Brocolli or Aspargus (I have a lot of either...LOL)
Brown rice or Wheat pasta
20 oz bottle of water

Fruit of some kind or Granola bar
Crystal light

Thats basically what I eat everyday! I'm waiting on the kids to say that they're tired of chicken and tuna! I have to drink bottled water in order to get the 80 oz down. Not sure if its a mind thing or not. I tried filling an 80 oz bottle and I couldn't drink the water. Yeah, I have issues like that.

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